Dear parents-to-be,

Please be sure to call the labour-room on the day you come to us with contractions, rupture of membranes, etc. so that we can prepare for you: Tel: 0611 1771520.

It is not necessary to book in advance. The vast majority of babies do not keep to their due date, so please let us know that you are on your way!

See you soon!
Uta Krüger, Head-Midwife and Dr. Sabine Berghof, Senior Physician
Your labour-room team

Please download the following forms, fill them out and print them out and bring them with you when you come to the delivery room:

  1. Obstetric registration (PDF)
  2. If you would like to apply for treatment by a chief physician and/or elective services: Elective Services Agreement (PDF)

About the pregnant woman

Insurance Information

Please only fill in the fields that concern you.

Information on husband/wife/partner


One click on “Download & Print” creates and downloads a pdf-file. You can also print half-filled forms and add the missing information by hand. All information will be deleted as soon as you leave this website. When you come back later, you will have to fill in all information again.

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